The 2022 Textile Machinery Flagship Exhibition is reloaded and set sail - the exhibition assembly number officially sounded!

2022-07-15 12:00:30 admin 65

The 2022 China International Textile Machinery Exhibition and ITMA Asia Exhibition will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from November 20 to 24, 2022.

Registration time

Start Date: September 01, 2021

Deadline: May 13, 2022

Registration platform

Exhibition official website

Official website of China Textile Machinery Association

Make good use of the window

Continuing to power the industry

The "14th Five-Year Plan" innovation-driven development strategy has been continuously implemented in the industry. The "Guiding Opinions on the Development of the Textile Machinery Industry during the 14th Five-Year Plan" clarifies that the industry will continue to focus on textile green production equipment, textile intelligent processing equipment, high-tech textile equipment, textile machinery enterprises' intelligent manufacturing and upgrading, textile machinery common technologies, and textile machinery standards System six key projects, promote the development of ten sub-fields, form an industrial layout with complementary advantages and regional coordination, and continue to promote the high-quality development of the textile machinery industry.

Gu Ping, chairman of China Textile Machinery Association and chairman of Beijing Tiger International Exhibition and Display Co., Ltd., said that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, in the context of 5G and industrial Internet, intelligent manufacturing and green production are still the main theme of the industry. We will continue to help industry enterprises to develop and improve high-end intelligent solutions in many fields of textiles, promote the interconnection of the industry with Internet and cloud technology, and enhance the competitiveness of the textile industry; at the same time, we will actively do a good job in the preparation and organization of the 2022 Textile Machinery Joint Exhibition , at a higher, stronger and more professional level, to show the latest development trends of textile machinery products of Chinese and foreign enterprises and the development direction of textile and textile machinery to domestic and foreign audiences.

Liang Pengcheng, executive vice president of the Textile Industry Branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and vice chairman and general manager of Beijing Tiger International Exhibition and Display Co., Ltd., said that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the textile industry realized the realization of "technology, fashion, and greenness". An important window period for higher quality, more efficient, fairer, more sustainable and safer development. As the organizer of the exhibition, we must seize this window period, fully mobilize the strong international and domestic "friend circle" of the exhibition organizer, build an accurate and efficient business docking network, and do real business promotion and integration in the textile market. For the platform to open up "domestic circulation, domestic and international dual circulation", and better serve the construction of a new development pattern.

Brand cohesion

Highlight the strong centripetal force of the exhibition

The textile machinery joint exhibition that just ended in June 2021 gathered 1,237 textile machinery enterprises and scientific research institutions from 20 countries and regions; with an exhibition area of 160,000 square meters, 65,000 professional buyers from 30 countries and regions visited the exhibition, and there were no One does not confirm the brand effect and strong centripetal force of the Textile Machinery Joint Exhibition.

More than 95% of the professional visitors are satisfied with this textile machinery joint exhibition, more than 96% of the visitors have successfully completed various exhibition goals, and 99% of the visitors said they will continue to visit the textile machinery joint exhibition next year.

China International Textile Machinery Exhibition and ITMA Asia Exhibition started in 2008, and it has gone through 13 years and 7 sessions. The exhibition has witnessed the development of the textile industry in China and even in the world. It has become the flagship exhibition platform for textile machinery with the highest technology content in Asia and the most advanced textile machinery in Asia in even years. ” platform of choice.

The 2022 Textile Machinery Joint Exhibition will bring more abundant and professional textile machinery innovative products and industrial chain solutions to the industry, interpret the future textile smart life blueprint empowered by innovative technologies, and contribute to the high-quality development of the "14th Five-Year Plan" textile industry. make a positive contribution.

Service Hotline


Company Address

Room 604B, Tower B, Twin Towers, No. 668, Xinzhuan Road, Caohejing Development Zone, Shanghai


Monday to Friday:8:30~17:30
